
Satellite Image Classifier

A multi-class Satellite Image Classifier (Deployed as a Web App)

Data Science Salary Predictor

End-to-End Data Science Salary Prediction in the US (During COVID-19)

Tesla Stock Prediction using Web Scraping and Recurrent Neural Networks

Using Beautiful Soup, Selenium and Tensorflow to predict Tesla's Stock Prices

Detecting Pneumonia with Chest X-Ray Images

Using Tensorflow to detect Pneumonia in Chest X-Rays

Bird Sound Classifier

Using's library to classify Birds according to their sounds

Laptop Brand Classifier

Classifying Laptop images according to brands using's Deep Learning library

What makes a good movie, asked Bayes

Using Bayesian Statistical Methodologies to predict movie ratings in R

Literacy Rate Analysis using GSS Data

Analyzing literacy rates using the General Social Survey Dataset in R